Logic Melon

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Did you really consent to that?

In this ‘data-protection-online-cybercrime-password-security-hacker-hacker-hacker’ obsessed world, you’d kind of hope that the leading recruitment software houses would have your best interests at–...

4 Simple Tips for Succession Planning Like a Pro

Are you prepared for if (and when) employees decide to leave the business? Succession planning is important to help you fill vacancies faster when they arise, minimising the impact to existing–...

What's wrong with a bit of nostalgia, in a fast-moving world?

Twitter has just surreptitiously launched itself in a hybrid format, with a name harking back to when it was first conceived – twttr - in beta mode for now and only to selected testers, to gauge–...

Change is coming – hold onto your hats!

In our sector, our forward-looking, thoroughly modern part of the recruitment industry, we’ve found ourselves having to stay on top of trends, in order to future-proof our operations.Twitter has just–...

Put a cork in your graduate job offer rejections

Graduate job offer rejections can totally take the wind out of your recruitment sails.

The Recruiter and the Hiring Manager - Recruitment’s Romeo & Juliet

On paper, recruiters and hiring managers should be sweethearts. They both ultimately want the same thing for their company but somehow this partnership is characterised as being less than smooth…When–...

The 2014 Talent Trend Duo - Data dilemmas and evergreen employees

With recruiters finally starting to give candidates the respect they deserve, it looked like things were going pretty well but then something interesting happened - candidates started getting majorly–...

4 Excellent Reasons Why you Need to be Hiring Older Staff

Whether conscious or not, age bias is still a big issue in recruitment. The benefits of having younger workers, full of vim and vigour, bursting with fresh ideas and teeming with techy know-how often–...

8 Essential Traits of a Talent-Winning Recruitment Team

What helps you win talent? An excellent candidate experience, a killer employer brand and strategic planning are all good and well, but behind all this you need to have a hiring team with the right–...

Does your Agency Website have Candidate and Client Appeal?

How do you attract new clients and candidates to use your recruitment agency? A big part of your strategy may be using social media, but perhaps the most important tool of all is your website.