Build a strong online presence and build your career

Whether you’ve just graduated or looking for a new challenge, social media can help you make real progress in your career. Social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, present an incredible opportunity–...

Why you need to make strategic workforce planning a priority in January

There is no better time than January to kick start your workforce planning and get organised to ensure 12 more months of success. Here’s what you need to know.

How businesses can rise above the noise when recruiting

With the fierce competition for talent today, it’s important to know how your business can rise above the noise when recruiting. Here’s how.

The cyborg workforce: How robotics is changing the world of work

With 2020 on the horizon, and AI and robotics no longer buzzwords or a distant reality, but integrated aspects of our everyday lives, employers must begin preparing for the new world of work – the–...

What are the dangers of a bad candidate experience and how can you avoid it?

Most professionals in recruitment have heard the horror story of how Virgin Media lost roughly $5 million dollars in revenue from mishandling the candidate experience. The rejected applicants which–...

What are the dangers of a bad candidate experience and how can you avoid it?

Most professionals in recruitment have heard the horror story of how Virgin Media lost roughly $5 million dollars in revenue from mishandling the candidate experience. The rejected applicants which–...

How to truly create an engaging candidate attraction strategy

With pay rising and unemployment falling, applicants now hold the power when it comes to job offers. Most businesses no longer have the luxury of having candidates flocking to them and instead need–...

Did you really consent to that?

In this ‘data-protection-online-cybercrime-password-security-hacker-hacker-hacker’ obsessed world, you’d kind of hope that the leading recruitment software houses would have your best interests at–...

What's wrong with a bit of nostalgia, in a fast-moving world?

Twitter has just surreptitiously launched itself in a hybrid format, with a name harking back to when it was first conceived – twttr - in beta mode for now and only to selected testers, to gauge–...

What are you doing sitting around?

What? Sitting down to work?