New year, new challenge? A recruiter’s guide to preparing for January job hunters

It’s not just a cliché - January really is the time that dissatisfied employees kick into action and make finding a new job their top priority.

Show some love: creating the ultimate candidate experience

The strength of your candidate experience will change the game for your company.

Hiring for Christmas: be a recruitment reindeer, not just a donkey

Hiring for Christmas is a challenge all of its own. While people are busy buying gifts or going to parties, recruiters get stuck with possibly the biggest rush of the year. A few tweaks to your–...

Video killed clunky hiring: 3 unmissable developments in video recruitment

Video changed the recruitment game years ago. However, every day new gadgets and gizmos are released to make video recruitment easier. It can be hard to keep up with such a fast-moving field, but–...

How to turbo-charge your online job ads

Your online job ad has a lot to do with what kind of candidates you attract. Improving your ad can help it get seen by more of the right type of people, stopping you from wasting time on candidates–...

Employer vs. employee branding: what’s the difference?

Employer and employee branding both involve presenting your company in the best possible light, and are effective ways of attracting top-notch candidates.

Nailing candidate communications: a quick guide

Recruiters need to do more if they’re really going to nail candidate communications. While the recruitment process is slowly improving, many candidates are still left unsatisfied when applying for a–...

5 CV untruths recruiters should watch out for

One third of candidates in the UK aren’t completely honest on their CVs – a trait 51% of employers say would be enough for them to can the candidate’s job application altogether.

How talent analytics can streamline your recruitment process

Talent analytics streamlines your recruitment process by offering a data-led approach that can help you find the best candidates and keep them for yourselves.

Is 2016 the year for social media recruitment?

Social media has been a staple of the savvy recruiter’s toolkit for a number of years now. The popularity of this recruitment technique has recently skyrocketed, with recruiters and HR staff becoming–...