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Will Facebook Job Ads End Our LinkedIn Love Affair?

Written by Logic Melon | Jan 1, 2019 12:00:00 AM

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Across the Pond, Facebook has become the recruiter’s new BFF.


Yup, US and Canadian employers can now post their jobs on the world’s most popular social network - and plans to bring the service over here to the UK aren’t far behind.

While sheer audience size alone is undoubtedly the primary motivator for recruiter uptake, it’s an interesting move from Zuckerberg and co.; one that could potentially offer new ways for companies to recruit employees who don't fit LinkedIn's ‘proactive professional’ profile, like temps, casual workers and even freelancers.

But what are these slick new features?

Ok. So most businesses now have a Facebook page. But now, not only can employers post proper job ads (under a dedicated ‘Jobs’ tab and in public newsfeeds), but candidates can apply for roles without leaving Facebook. All they do is click a link in the ad and their profile data is autofilled; name, profile picture, and education.

There is one snag; CVs and cover letters can’t be attached, but there is a 1,000-character text box for users to personalise/paste additional info. The application is then submitted via Facebook Messenger. Note: employers can only access details candidates have set as 'Public'.

What does this mean for social recruitment?

Ok. It’d take a lot (even for Facebook) to steal LinkedIn’s crown as the King of Professional Networking, but there are still a number of different ways Facebook job ads could revamp social recruitment.

Give inexperienced candidates a leg up

LinkedIn is set up for skilled, experienced candidates, so recruiters often overlook those with great potential but little experience - like recent graduates and apprentices, who rely on personality to get their foot in the proverbial door. This could be particularly useful when Facebook introduces job filtering, where users only see jobs that match their experience level (coming soon…).

Kickstart interest from inactive candidates

Let’s face it, most people begin spending time on LinkedIn when they’re looking for a new job. But Facebook? That’s a different story. Facebook job ads can reach inactive candidates through careful targeting, placing plum jobs directly in front of thousands of talented candidates. The kind of candidates who’d consider changing jobs if a better offer came knocking...

Help local people find local jobs

SMEs and local businesses can finally join the social media recruitment revolution! Facebook offers employers free (upgradable) job posts, unlike on LinkedIn where money changes hands for any kind of ad. Think of it as social networking in the truest sense. People who like a local business’ page can now share job opportunities directly with friends. It’s ‘who you know’ after all.

Terrific for recruiting temps

Free jobs ads also level the social recruitment playing field for businesses looking for temporary or casual workers. Great for those unlikely to scour LinkedIn for opportunities, but happy to respond to a shout-out on Facebook.

So there you have it. True to form, Facebook’s *finally* using its unrivalled reach and popularity to make recruiters lives easier - and without ending our love affair with LinkedIn.

Who can says what’s next - Snapchat CVs? Vetting via VR? Zuck, if you’re listening...