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It’s all in the approach - Bag talent thanks to nifty methods

Written by Logic Melon | Jan 1, 2019 12:00:00 AM

This week’s blog comes hot on the heels of Darren’s ‘Free and Fab -  Gratis tools every recruiter needs to bag’. Mark Bevans our Marketing Director provides his perfect complement with these nifty talent nurturing methods.


Trend ridden tools come and go but there’s nothing like a solid set of recruitment approaches. The means by which we hire get more techy or trendy, but the good practice that underpins it stays evergreen. Yep, you can’t beat a collection of masterful methods. This ain’t no tool bashing, we’re all in favour of social shenanigans and tech tricks but it’s the practices and approaches that give those tools purpose. Get these in order and top talent shall be yours.

The great thing is most of these approaches are simply great practice (and cost next to nothing). It’s about using what you have to hand already, adapting traditional methods and keeping a curious mind and beady eye on the changing landscape. So if you’re after some easy to implement, budget-friendly recruitment approaches you’re in the right place.

Referral rundown -  The right Qs & routine.

Referral chat shouldn't be something reserved for hiring managers and recruiters, it should be part of everyday company chat. It should always be switched on and in full flow. It’s no secret that referrals deliver the highest quality hires so why not open up the notion of referring someone? Why not be creative and company-specific in adopting a referral state of mind? It’s about asking the right questions and naturalising referring so it’s not just a task performed when needs must but an everyday consideration that keeps talent in your sights always.

  • Make it part of the onboarding process - Plant that referral seed from day one by asking new talent if they know of any superstars. The talent train never stops so ensure every team member understands that they can have a very real impact on their company.
  • Be specific - If someone asked me “Know of anyone good?”, I’d freeze. Open the question up and banish the vagueness. Who is the best designer they know? Any particularly good collaborators they recall? Any creative problem solvers that stood out? Put referral requests in context and it’ll trigger a better response.

Look to the past - Tap into the talent of yonder year.

What a difference a day makes. Think of all the candidates you’ve interviewed, collaborators that have been through your doors and staff that moved to pastures anew. A lot we bet. The candidates that didn’t quite cut it this time last year have had a year to develop, they could be perfect for you now. And those staff that moved on thinking the grass was greener could regret their decision.

Keep the door open and the welcome warm. Let all leaving staff know that there’s always a place for them here and to send any superstars your way. It’s amazing the impact a friendly goodbye can have. Actively keep in contact, asking them how their first week’s been and if you can help with the transition.

Let your culture do the work -  Spread the word & win ‘em over.

It’s easy for hiring managers and recruiters to let consistency slip, and allow recruitment chat and jargon to slip into practice. These days company culture is the biggest asset you have and it needs to be more than a side point. Don’t save your tone and culture for the About page on your site, thread it through all your communications and practices. Implementing your culture does more for you than simply stating what it is. Scream ‘Talent, we’re over here and you’ll love us!’

  • Get your USPs on paper - Make it easy for recruiters or staff to sell what makes you the best by having a nifty profile to hand. Share this with anyone who talks about the company and start making culture talk consistent across the board.
  • Faff off formalities - Why get a unsavvy recruiter to reach out to candidates when you can send in a fellow professional? Let’s face it, recruiters don’t have a great track record for calling but potential talent maybe a bit more responsive if a team member of the same discipline or age engages them. Don’t go turning your team into cold callers, just ask for their help if the right talent might respond to it.
  • Banish boring descriptions - Talk about each job opening in the best way possible. If you’re progressive and socially minded, why not get a video description together? Type in the way you talk and the culture will lure them in first.

Patience young grasshopper - Know your competitors inside and out.

So many employers and recruitment dismiss this as simply upping services and reducing prices, but do you really look at them? What’s happening under the deals and posts… Today’s talent are very switched on and want to be on the side of the winning team that can help them develop. If mergers are on the horizon or staff are moving on, there’s your cue to swoop in and become a familiar face. Timing is everything when pursuing talent, where are they in their career? Where have they been and for how long? What made them leave previous companies? Knowledge really is power.

Know your place - Bowing down to the Candidate king.

Don’t be duped by aged ideas of who is in charge. The candidate rules the roost. Flip this round and happily accommodate, play a different game. Don’t tell them what they need to accept, what opportunities to take or what you will pay. Ask them what they’d need to accept your offer - what are their deal breakers?

Let go of the control complex and ditch the ego, talent will respond positively knowing there’s an even playing ground here.

By all means remain a tool titan but be careful to not get too swept up in the trends. There’s no substitute for great practice and mindful approaches. You forget, talent are just as savvy as you guys. They know what tools do what and they can see through temporary features and fleeting promises. Opt for considered, quality-focused methods and good things will happen. Be a constant standard of better in today’s market.

Did you like that? Blog thoughts by Mark Bevans, go find him on LinkedIn, Twitter or drop him an email here!

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Twitter snippets.

  • (Click to tweet) Referral chat shouldn't be something reserved for hiring managers and recruiters.
  • (Click to tweet) Put referral requests in context and it’ll trigger a better response.
  • (Click to tweet) Timing is everything when pursuing talent.